Join the Tour de SECure!
The Tour de SECure is a large-scale bike ride through the SEC West campuses:
Starting in Arkansas and traveling Southeast through Ole Miss, Mississippi State, Alabama and finally Auburn before turning back west through LSU and Texas A&M. The ride will take place from July 13 (at Razorback Stadium in Fayetteville) to
August 5, 2018 (at Kyle Field in College Station) and it is endorsed by the American Diabetes Association.
Get Involved!
All fundraising & support will benefit the American Diabetes Association. Help our cause by donating to the American Diabetes Association. Click below to sign up for a ride at one of the SEC West campuses with Ford! All skill levels are welcome, and participants will receive a Tour de SECure t-shirt and other goodies.
How Can You Help?
Ride along with Ford for part of a leg. Make a donation. Sign up to ride in a Tour de Cure. Help support and train with a new red rider (what the ADA calls a Tour Participant with diabetes). Share the story on your social media pages and most importantly share it directly with someone with diabetes. You could make an incredible difference in someone's life by joining in.
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What is the Tour de SECure?
Simply put, the Tour de SECure is the result of one man's commitment to healthy life choices and his passion for fighting against diabetes.
Ford Baker is the founder of Today I Can and the organizer of Tour de SECure. He is also a CPA and a 1986 graduate of Texas A&M University. In 2000, Ford was diagnosed type 2 diabetes and had a host of other health issues that came with an unhealthy lifestyle. Shortly thereafter, his daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 13.
In 2012, Ford committed to making healthier lifestyle choices and started exercising daily while cleaning up his diet. He started cycling, and over the next few years, he lost over 150 lbs and even started riding competitively. By 2014, he was completely off his medication & prescriptions. Ford's hope is that, through the Tour de SECure, he can:
- Raise awareness & support for a type 1 diabetes cure, through the ADA
- Encourage others to ovecome their type 2 diabetes diagnosis by making healthy life choices and excerising
- Bring the SEC West campuses together by having cycling teams from each university participate in "mini rides" along Tour de SECure
TDS Featured Ride Schedule
The Goal
His hope is that others diagnosed as type 2 will be encouraged to start a journey of their own and free themselves from dependency on prescription medications and/or insulin. There is no better place to start than one of the local Tour de Cures, experienced riders are there to help newcomers and it is an opportunity to raise money to find a cure for the disease, for those afflicted with type 1 diabetes where diet and exercise alone can't cure their diabetes.
He also is looking to raise $100,000 for diabetes research through corporate sponsorships and individual gifts. The donations can be made above and all gifts go directly to the American Diabetes Association, Ford is funding the cost of the ride directly from Today I Can, so your gifts can be maximized.
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